regalia coffee roasters

spro and pour over

offered april 7 till out

info provided by regalia coffee roasters

Taza Dorada 1st Place: Jose Miguel Villa ~ Pallatanga, Ecuador

This incredibly zesty lot was a joy to taste at this year's Taza Dorada competition. All the judges noted the cup's viscosity and warmth. Sweet apricot, plum, and watermelon dominate this top-shelf coffee.

​Don Jose Miguel Villa’s first place finish in the recent national Taza Dorada Cup competition has put himself and the region of Chimborazo on the world stage. His journey as a coffee producerstarted five years ago, after purchasing and renaming his farm,​ “Las Palmas”.

“Nunca creí que un día mi café fuera valorado entre los mejores​ del país. Este premio es una señal de que todo el esfuerzo​ vale la pena.”

He surrounds his coffee crops with aromatic plants like cinnamon​ and oranges in order to regenerate the soil.

“El café necesita cuidado y cariño. Para mí, es una pasión.​ Verlo crecer y saber que lleva el sabor de nuestra tierra Pallatanga​ al mundo es una satisfacción incomparable.”

Region Pallatanga < Chimborazo < Ecuador
Altitude 1900 MASL
Process Washed Anaerobic
Varietal Sidra

Buena Vista "Panela Bacana" ~ Huila, Colombia

It might be cliché, but the Buena Vista Panela Bacana lot is exactly what we'd expect for the holidays: funky stone fruit, a velvet-like mouthfeel, and warm spice envelope the cup. 

The owners of Finca Buena Vista: Edgar Motta and Susan Mences and are a married couple, working partners, and outstanding, innovative coffee growers known in San Agustin.
Their dedication and passion for coffee are visible in their high-quality coffee.

The harvesting of the fruit in this lot was a highly selective process, with only ripe coffee cherries being picked. This was followed by "balseo", a method of fruit selection based on density, where the cherries that float are discarded. The coffee was then carefully spread across drying beds, ensuring no bean was left on top of another. These beds are well ventilated and measures are taken to prevent insect infestation. The coffee is turned six to seven times a day, with a drying time of 18 to 25 days.

Region Huila > Colombia
Altitude 1650-1800 MASL
Process Natural
Varietal Pink Bourbon

prodigal coffee

spro and pour over

april 7 till out

El Ajial ESPRESSO- Colombia, washed

El Ajial FILTER- Colombia, washed

peach • cranberry • orange

The washed coffees keep rolling in, and we're jazzed about this new caturra. El Ajial is a goldilocks coffee that has just the right amount of everything - a little tart cranberry, juicy citrus, and ripe stone fruit.  

El Ajial is a very special oasis located high in the Nariño region. Spanning just three hectares, Luis Alfredo Lopez inherited the land in the early 2000's from his father (and first coffee mentor). With the help of his wife and community, they use one hectare solely to produce specialty coffee. The other two hectares are a self-sustaining ecosystem with avocados, corn, beans, peas, and a fresh cow for milk. 

Only ripe cherries were collected, sorted by density, de-pulped and fermented in tanks for 24 hours. The coffee was washed twice and dried under shaded canopies for 15-20 days.

Process Washed

Region Nariño, Colombia

Variety Caturra

retail options

retail selections are available from what we have listed above +

Oliver’s Custom Coffee - Olympia, WA

La Palmilera Gesha Natural

Monarch Kona Gesha

Sey Coffee



Peru Armando HurtadoLOS PINOSSL9 - WASHED